Sniff with your eyes.

A brand new Chymia scent just arrived today, special for us!  When we told the good folks at Chymia that Portland is known as the City of Roses, they couldn't resist creating a custom blend.  It. is. INCREDIBLE!  You're going to love it.  Here, try it. Oh, what's that?  You can't smell it through the computer?  NBD.  We have just the fix.  Allow us to show you what it smells like.  That's right, folks: you are reading the world's first ever see-n-sniff blog entry.  Behold.


It's crisp, refreshing...


...relaxing, soothing..." 



...and so, so smooth.

See!  You smell it now, yes?  Yes?  Yes! From all of us here at betsy & iya: You're welcome.  OH!  And if you're not doing anything tonight, come see us at the New Vintage Pop Up Shop (click for details!).  Happy weekend!!! ***Song of the Moment, All My Friends, by LCD Soundsystem*** (BLASTING it at the betsy & iya shop right now)

Group 7